About the Chi Circle

One participant’s experience from the first Chi Circle (shared with permission): 

“My “state” has been INCREDIBLE since the Zoom meeting healing chi session. Enormously grateful for the experience.” – Cathy Delauter

What is a Chi Circle?

A Chi Circle is a guided meditation and practice where people can connect with each other and send and receive chi, as well as learn principles of chi healing. 

Why “Energy Hygiene?”

It used to be, like many people, when I felt ungrounded, or like I “took on” energy, I didn’t know what to do. I’d feel uncomfortable, disconcerted, and stuck. Or I’d focus on the energy and sensations and try to release them, only to feel worse. 

Then I learned some principles that made all the difference, and couldn’t believe it was that simple. I’ve learned more nuances over the years, which I’ve shared with my clients and in group classes, and feel passionate about sharing these more broadly, because they’ve made such a big difference in my life and other peoples’ lives. 

We have found that most people have some stuck energy in their systems and have normalized the experience and just put up with it. It’s kind of like a fish swimming in water that is polluted, and the water is impacting them, but they don’t realize it’s the water. Until they feel the difference, and feel clarity and feel what it’s like to empty out and fully receive, they don’t know what it’s like to have clear energy.

Much like physical hygiene routines, when we take care of energy hygiene our quality of mind improves, and thus our overall quality of experience naturally improves. Like any healthy habits, as energy awareness is practiced over time, it also becomes a natural preventive. 

Some context on how we use chi:

We have been supporting our clients and each other with chi for years. (At ShinNa we often start our business meetings with chi!) There’s something really powerful about releasing energy that is not flowing, and the perspective and bonding that comes from doing this together. 

Without fail, when we take the time to narrate how the chi is flowing, we end up feeling more oneness and inspiration. We may feel like we can breathe better or have insights into what we want to do, and new perspectives that bring clarity. It’s like the air has cleared and we’re suddenly seeing things anew and feeling more hopeful and more like ourselves. :) Interestingly, the benefits extend to the person sending, as well as to the chi recipient.

In our experience, we’ve found that feeling connected and abundant is our baseline. Meaning, when you let go of anything interfering, anything extra that doesn’t belong, then you naturally start feeling connected and abundant.

Who are Chi Circles for? 

Anyone can attend, from beginners to people who have experience with energy healing. We believe that chi healing is accessible to anyone. 

We didn’t start out consciously sensing chi or knowing what to do with these experiences. I’m not someone who would have reported seeing auras or colors, but when I got introduced to this practice I realized it’s not a superpower that only some intuitive people have, but something we share as a human experience, through our senses. So now I can see auras and colors, as well as perceive energy in a myriad of other ways. We've found that as you learn and bring awareness you will start to see, hear, smell, taste, and / or touch chi just as you perceive other aspects of life that are available to your senses. It's a matter of bringing awareness.

We recommend this for anyone who:

wants to connect with themselves more deeply

has trouble focusing and emptying out from negative emotions, and is looking for mental and emotional clarity 

is fatigued or has ongoing health issues and could use chi support for their health

is curious to learn more about energy

has someone (pets included!) in their life who could benefit from chi support and wants to learn how to do that

What’s the value of doing this in a group setting?

We wanted to share this as a group experience for several reasons. One is that we find that it’s often easier to connect with chi when there’s more energy and attention amplifying the felt experience. Shared attention creates a focus that can allow the subtle sensations of chi to become more apparent.

Other people naturally provide a third person perspective that can help draw us out of our interpretations and mental experience and help us ground in our sensations. 

When sensing and accessing energy in a group, you also get the benefit of different examples of how people connect to the subtle experience of chi. For example, some people see colors, and some people connect more through sensing vibrations, some people get images or pictures, some people hear sounds or words, and some people have more of an emotional response to energy. 

The ways of perceiving energy are so varied, so it can really facilitate learning to have these varied examples and sharing of how the energy is flowing and connecting.

What can I expect to learn?

We look forward to building awareness towards chi hygiene and exploring different aspects of this as it relates to human experience, such as getting to know what the individual chakras, meridians, and layers of the energy field feel like. (You’ll get some step by step instructions for how to do this on your own in between chi sessions that you can try on yourself, and also learn how to practice these with a partner.) 

As the details grow, this awareness will allow you to empty out more efficiently and deepen your connection to the Divine and to the wisdom of your energy body. You’ll develop your own style of chi sensing and narration that will allow you to access what your senses are picking up in the subtle sensations of chi. And you’ll learn some shorthand ways of interpreting what some of these sensations are telling you about your experience, such as when things are blocked, when things are open and flowing, and what the corresponding emotions are to each chakra and meridian, so you get more and more familiar with what it feels like to have an open and clear energetic field. 

You will get to learn tools that will help you better and better regulate yourself and harmonize with the energy of your life so that you can make decisions from an abundant place and more and more create the kind of life you want.

Looking forward to sharing some of these experiences together and basking in the Chi Field together!

© 2024 ShinNa Foundation